Now that you have an income, it would be a good idea to build something to defend yourself. Water spots that are further away will get you more income. Note that your gatherers have 3 water spots they can go to. Once you have a building, units will come out of it over time.

One Gatherer needs 3 seconds to be created and 30 points from your health. At the beginning of the game, your water reserves are $90 and you can build nine Gatherer which can attacks ground only. Select your base by clicking on it, then press the tier 1 button. Gatherers collect water and transform it into money. The best way to collect money is ith Gatherers. Your goal is to survive and destroy the alien invasion as fast as you can.

Mutant Insects are everywhere now, which is why you should beware the giant cockroaches, spiders venomous, but what a great thing this time is that you were accustomed grotto turned into a kind of living house that manages to give birth fighters that you use them on the battlefield of war. What you need to know is that this time you will have to work further with the strategy we are sure that you are used so that you win every mission that we give you the new strategy game. The new version of Age of War is now present on Friv, which is why we invite you to try it.