You'll find the YT-2400 handles better than anything else this side of a TIE fighter, with its redesigned lateral thrusters! You'll be able to watch out for bloodthirsty pirates and Rebels, with the help of Corellian Engineering's Sentinel sensor suite! And if you have the need to protect yourself and your new investment, you'll have the power of Corellian twin-laser cannons on your side, standard with every ship! The new YT-2400 is made with the same quality that you have come to expect of Corellian Engineering and comes with a limited 1 year garantee (1). Sit back in the form-fitting pilot seat and feel the rumble of the Starcruiser Ion Drive as you open the throttle, shrugging off the gravity well as if were a mere inconvienence.

The YT-2400 comes standard with the new Corellian Starcruiser Ion Drive and one of the most advanced non-military sensor packages available to the general public. Vehicle starfighter frigate capital space platform superweapon planetary fighter freighter shuttle patrol transport corvette cruiser battleship star destroyer legendīarc stap x-34 xj-2 at-pt at-at at-dp at-st sandcrawler cloakshape hyena n-1 vulture z-95 belbullab tie-fighter toscan v-19 y-wing a-wing b-wing preybird r-41 t-wing tie-bomber tie-defender tie-interceptor x-wing xg-1 dynamic hwk-290 quartermaster wayfarer xs-stock yg-4210 b-7 commuter doomtreader ghtroc-720 ht-2200 yt-1300 yt-1760 yv-666 baudo yt-2000 yt-2400 kappa gamma sentinel cr25 delta lambda zeta gozanti firespray guardian pursuer skipray aa-9 action-6 bff-1 class-4 ferryboat gallofree mobquet y-8 star galleon tanker defender marauder sabaoth cr90 dp20 etti light corvette raider cc-7700 hammerhead lancer ajuur wavecrest carrack nebulon-b nova quasar ton-falk ardent dreadnaught munificent acclamator lictor transport-11 immobilizer bothan harrower centurion kandosii providence sepa-supply imperial-1 victory-1 victory-2 imperial-2 liberator mc80 mc90 aggressor herd executor tycon death star-1 Galactic Republic Rise of the Empire Rebellion New RepublicĬraft: Corellian Engineering's YT-2400 TransportĪtmosphere Range: 100-500/1/1.7kmDamage: 3D+2įollowing upon our earlier successes with the wildly popular YT-1300 and YT-2200 freighters, Corellian Engineering is proud to announce the arrival of our latest model, the Corellian Engineering YT-2400 light freighter! The YT-2400 is a departure from our earlier styling, abandoning the familar saucer and crew pod in favor of a more integrated design, reminiscent of a predatory bird in flight.